Skills and Qualities Needed to Succeed as Product Manager: Staying on Top of Things

Thomas Adams
2 min readJul 1, 2023


Staying on Top of Things. If product sense is our map, ownership our GPS, and communication our walkie-talkie, then staying on top of things is like your daily news — it keeps you updated with the latest and the best (and the worst).

Rules to Remember:

  • Prioritize: We all love Netflix, but we can’t watch all shows at once. The same applies to your tasks. Focus on one thing at a time.
  • Organize: A cluttered desk can lead to a cluttered mind. Keep your tasks, ideas, and goals neatly arranged.
  • Monitor: Regular updates are key. You wouldn’t want your filter coffee to get cold, would you?

Tips to Try:

  • Tools: Use productivity tools like JIRA, Outlook Tasks, MS To-Do, or spreadsheets to keep track.
  • Delegate (very important): Product management is not a one-man show. You’re not alone, you’re part of a team. A great PM knows when to share the load. Just like how the Avengers split their tasks, use your team’s strengths. (pro tip: let the Hulk smash the bugs) 😁
  • Learn: “Always keep learning new things” is the golden rule. But you also need to be a little flexible to stay on top!

Remember, ‘Staying on Top of Things’ is like being the Sherlock Holmes of your product journey. Always one step ahead plus asking the right questions (and perhaps offering some clues).



Thomas Adams

Hi there! I'm Thomas, a Sr. Product Manager with a passion for building innovative Healthcare solutions.